The 8th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT 2024) will be held in October 2024 at the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.

The conference proceedings can be accessed at the Springer Website for the 8th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT 2024).

Schedule Overview

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Invited Talks

Xiao (Tracy) Liu is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. Tracy studies behavioral market design and behavioral game theory, such as the design of innovative markets and transfer of learning between repeated games.

Herve Moulin graduated in 1971 from the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris and received his PhD in mathematics from the Université de Paris in 1975. After teaching at the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et Administration Economique and Dauphine University in Paris, he moved to the USA in 1984, first to the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, then to Duke and Rice Universities. He joined the University of Glasgow in 2013. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society since 1983, of the Royal Society of Edinburgh since 2015, and of the British Academy since 2018.

Jenn Wortman Vaughan is a Senior Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, New York City. She currently focuses on Responsible AI—including transparency, interpretability, and fairness—as part of MSR’s FATE group and co-chair of Microsoft’s Aether Working Group on Transparency. Jenn’s research background is in machine learning and algorithmic economics, but she now frequently incorporates techniques from HCI into her research in order to better understand the interaction between people and AI systems. Jenn came to MSR in 2012 from UCLA, where she was an assistant professor in the computer science department. She completed her Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 2009, and subsequently spent a year as a Computing Innovation Fellow at Harvard. She is the recipient of Penn’s 2009 Rubinoff dissertation award for innovative applications of computer technology, a National Science Foundation CAREER award, a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), and a variety of best paper awards. Jenn co-founded the Annual Workshop for Women in Machine Learning (WiML), which has been held each year since 2006, and recently served as Program Co-chair of NeurIPS 2021.

Paper Sessions

Session Title Authors
Invited Talk 1 Session Chair: Dave Pennock Exploring the Impact of Uncertainty Expression on Decision Making with Generative AI Jenn Wortman Vaughan (Microsoft Research)
Talk Session 1 (6): Voting Theory Session Chair: Georgios Papasotiropoulos Complexity of Candidate Control for Single Nontransferable Vote and Bloc Voting Garo Karh Bet (HHU Düsseldorf); Jörg Rothe (HHU Düsseldorf); Roman Zorn (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
18 Min Talks + 2 Mins Questions = 2 Hours Compiling the Votes of a Subelectorate for Multi-Winner Voting Rules Neel Karia (Columbia University); Jérôme Lang (CNRS)
  On Approximately Strategy-Proof Tournament Rules for Collusions of Size at least 3 David Mikšaník (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics); Ariel Schvartzman Cohenca (Google Research); Jan Soukup (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
  Metric Distortion Under Probabilistic Voting Sahasrajit Sarmasarkar (Stanford University); Mohak Goyal (Stanford University)
  A Linear Theory of Multiwinner Voting Lirong Xia (Rutgers and DIMACS)
  As Time Goes By: Adding a Temporal Dimension to Resolve Delegations in Liquid Democracy Evangelos Markakis (Athens University of Economics and Business); Georgios Papasotiropoulos (University of Warsaw)
Invited Talk 2 Session Chair: Lirong Xia Economic Rationality of Humans and AI Xiao (Tracy) Liu (Tsinghua University)
Talk Session 2 (6): Game Theory and Decision Making Session Chair: Neeldhara Misra Equilibria of Data Marketplaces with Privacy-Aware Sellers under Endogenous Privacy Costs Diptangshu Sen (Georgia Institute of Technology); Jingyan Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology); Juba Ziani (Georgia Institute of Technology)
18 Min Talks + 2 Mins Questions = 2 Hours Extending Myerson’s Optimal Auctions to Correlated Bidders via Neural Network Interpolation Mingyu Guo (U Adelaide); Jiayuan Liu (Carnegie Mellon University); Vincent Conitzer (Carnegie Mellon University)
  No-Regret Learning for Stackelberg Equilibrium Computation in Newsvendor Pricing Games Larkin Liu (TU Munich); Yuming Rong (Google)
  Protective and Nonprotective Subset Sum Games: A Parameterized Complexity Analysis Jaroslav Garvardt (Friedrich Schiller University Jena); Christian Komusiewicz (Friedrich Schiller University Jena); Berthold Blatt Lorke (TU Berlin); Jannik Schestag (FSU Jena)
  Algorithmic Decision Analysis for Multi-Stage Games with Incomplete Information Jose Manuel Camacho (ICMAT-CSIC); Roi Naveiro (CUNEF); David Rios Insua (ICMAT-CSIC)
  Non-maximizing policies that fulfill multi-criterion aspirations in expectation Simon Dima (École Normale Supérieure - PSL: Paris); Simon Fischer (University of Cologne); Jobst Heitzig (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research); Joss Oliver (N/A)
Invited Talk 3 Session Chair: Rupert Freeman and Nicholas Mattei Dividing a Commons with Tight Guarantees Herve Moulin (University of Glasgow)
Talk Session 3 (6): Allocations, Matching, Clustering and Facility Location Session Chair: K. Brent Venable Manipulation with(out) money in matching market Sushmita Gupta (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, HBNI, Chennai); Pallavi Jain (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur)
18 Min Talks + 2 Mins Questions = 2 Hours Group Fairness in Multi-period Mobile Facility Location Problems Haris Aziz (UNSW Sydney & Data61, CSIRO); Hau Chan (University of Nebraska-Lincoln); Xingchen Sha (Columbia University); Toby Walsh (UNSW Sydney); Lirong Xia (Rutgers and DIMACS)
  Envy Free and Efficient Allocations for Graphical Valuations Neeldhara Misra (IIT Gandhinagar); Aditi Sethia (IIT Gandhinagar)
  The Fairness-Quality Trade-off in Clustering Rashida Hakim (Columbia University); Ana-Andreea Stoica (Columbia University); Christos Papadimitriou (Columbia U); Mihalis Yannakakis (Columbia University)
  Core stability and Nash stability in k-tiered coalition formation games Nathan Arnold (University of Kentucky); Judy Goldsmith (University of Kentucky)
  Collaborative Information Dissemination with Graph-based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Raffaele Galliera (The University of West Florida); Brent Venable (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition); Matteo Bassani (IHMC); Niranjan Suri (IHMC)
Talk Session 4 (4): Game Theory and Decision Making Session Chair: Ariel Schvartzman Simple Stochastic Stopping Games: A Generator and Benchmark Library Isaac R Rudich (Montréal Polytechnique); Rachel Rue (Unaffiliated); Avi Rudich (Unaffiliated)
18 Min Talks + 2 Mins Questions = ~1.5 Hours Adversarial Risk Analysis for Automated Lane-changing in Heterogeneous Traffic Roi Naveiro (CUNEF Universidad); David Rios Insua (ICMAT-CSIC); William N Caballero (Air Force Institute of Technology)
  A Fully Bayesian Approach to Bilevel Decision Making Vedat Dogan (University College Cork); Steven D Prestwich (University College Cork); Barry O’Sullivan (University College Cork)
  Toward fair and strategyproof tournament rules for tournaments with partially transferable utilities David Pennock (Rutgers University); Ariel Schvartzman Cohenca (Google Research); Eric Xue (Princeton University)
Talk Session 5 (4): Preference Theory Session Chair: Thomas E. Allen Learning Linear Utility Functions From Pairwise Preference Queries Luise Ge (Washington University in St Louis); Brendan Juba (Washington University in St Louis); Yevgeniy Vorobeychik (Washington University in St. Louis)
18 Min Talks + 2 Mins Questions = ~1.5 Hours Noise-tolerant Active Preference Learning for Multicriteria Choice Problems margot herin (LIP6 Sorbonne Université); Patrice Perny (Sorbonne University); Nataliya Sokolovska (Sorbonne Université)
  Learning multiple multicriteria additive models from heterogeneous preferences Vincent Auriau (Artefact Research Center); Khaled Belahcene (CentraleSupélec); Emmanuel Malherbe (Artefact Research Center); Vincent Mousseau (CentraleSupélec)
  Independent Relaxed Subproblems for Dominance Testing in CP-nets Liu Jiang (Centre College); Thomas E. Allen (Centre College)